
In the center of our recent ‘circle’ (Gardeners of Peace conference call, Sept. 29, 2007), we could sense a deep desire for a community of heart-centered people who are alive, awake and able to connect on an essential level, with the ‘gardener within’ and together as a developing community. It is from this ‘opened space’ that the collective wisdom, heart and spirit will continue to grow and take shape. The Garden (Gardeners of Peace) provides the 'vessel' in which this growth will emerge, expand and ultimately bear 'fruits' of all kinds, and where you are invited to reflect privately or aloud with others.

You may ask, “What is this Gardening all about, and what is in it for me?” Please realize that only you have the answer to these questions, and only you know how to contribute to make this world we live in a better place. No one among the Gardeners is here to tell you what to do.

We hope that you will find meaning in these few lines of introduction, as well as in the invitation, and that you will feel called to join us in our active search for peace, in our active gardening of our lives and of our earth. Gardening can be a very meaningful activity and a potent metaphor – and a very simple one as well. It is an activity that allows us to reach and tap our deepest identity: human beingness.
>>>Read more

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Family gardening in a local playground

I was out with my family this afternoon. We all went to the local playground, in our district in Paris.

Alexia, my older daughter, is going to be 9 next month and Flora is 6. I could not believe how much they have grown and how much "cultivation" that has yet to come.

I remember when they were both babies and we would go to the same playground. From crawling to toddling, walking to running, they are blossoming into two beautiful young ladies. I must admit that now my only concern is that my wife and I guide them as best as we could in such an uncertain world. It scares the hell out of me.

I am still working on my own path in life. So many questions come to my mind as I look inward and then outward. Will I be capable of guiding them, even though I am unsure if I can guide myself?

Any comments would be appreciated. (For those of you who are new to Blogger, click on the "Comments" link at the bottom of this entry.)



Mushin said...

The beauty of this situation is that any complex being is basically made for self-regulation and self-guidance.

I'm grandpa since half a year of a fantastic 21 year old son (I'm proud of him; can't help myself), and basically he evolved himself... all I ever really did was support him in whatever he felt like exploring. Well, sometimes, but really rarely, I felt compelled to stop him...

My conclusion - when we give our children real deep trust, showing them that we do believe in their intelligence, feeling and power to handle life - we are supporting them in the most fantastic adventure of all: living in a dynamically changing world where really nobody knows what's going to happen next.

Terry Kaufman said...

That is so eloquently said and clearly understandable. I guess the challenge is to find a happy balance between guidance and trust. You do not want to interfere (guide) too much, yet you need to create a trust-filled environment and let yourself and your children grow.

Thanks for the valuable insight!

Robbi said...

Hi Terry,
Thank you for setting up this blog
site. It is quite a Beauty. I feel
called to respond to your post.
I am not a parent and have had the priviledge to be working with children from birth to five for some twenty plus years and have to admit they are quite amazing and challenging and surprising.
I haven't a clue about how the world is going to turn in terms of politics, economy and the seemingless ongoing struggles that take place within and among countries. But I know that every child on the planet is allways touched by true attention, kindness, love and recognition of
spirit. I have no doubt that as a
mindful parent you and your spouse
provide all this and more.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Terry for setting up this blog site and for getting us tilling.

Robbi, when you say every child on the planet is touched by true attention, kindness, love, and recognition of spirit, I so agree. I think this also to be so for the child within each of us no matter the age. This sustains my hope for the future personally, locally, and globally.
Thanks everyone.

Terry Kaufman said...

Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments, Robbi and Judy.

I asked my children a question today and was delighted to hear their answers: What did you do as a nice thing today?

Alexia said that she had complimented her classmates on the way each of them sang during music class. Flora said that she defended her friend in school.

I think that is pure recognition of a kind spirit.

How sweet it is!

Gilles Jersey said...

Cultivation is a life-long process, Terry. The beauty of it is that ...it nevers ends!

And I believe it's much more exciting and fulfilling when we 'cultivate' ourselves together.

Looking forward to the experience with all of you!


Jonice said...

What a wonderful place to read important matters this is, Terry. I loved what you've written and the comments of all your friends, too.

Terry Kaufman said...

Many thanks, Jonice, for taking time to visit our blog and commenting here.

Your blog is marvelous, and you know that I am fond of it.
