
In the center of our recent ‘circle’ (Gardeners of Peace conference call, Sept. 29, 2007), we could sense a deep desire for a community of heart-centered people who are alive, awake and able to connect on an essential level, with the ‘gardener within’ and together as a developing community. It is from this ‘opened space’ that the collective wisdom, heart and spirit will continue to grow and take shape. The Garden (Gardeners of Peace) provides the 'vessel' in which this growth will emerge, expand and ultimately bear 'fruits' of all kinds, and where you are invited to reflect privately or aloud with others.

You may ask, “What is this Gardening all about, and what is in it for me?” Please realize that only you have the answer to these questions, and only you know how to contribute to make this world we live in a better place. No one among the Gardeners is here to tell you what to do.

We hope that you will find meaning in these few lines of introduction, as well as in the invitation, and that you will feel called to join us in our active search for peace, in our active gardening of our lives and of our earth. Gardening can be a very meaningful activity and a potent metaphor – and a very simple one as well. It is an activity that allows us to reach and tap our deepest identity: human beingness.
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Friday, December 14, 2007

Gardening with 12 Year Olds

My daughter Zoe is 12. She is my oldest, a delightful, spirited 7th Grader. Whenever I introduce Zoe in work settings, I also reference her as an old soul. She is an incredible being and daughter (yes, some dad bias included).

Today I was at home when she arrived from school. I was just finishing a wonderful, generative call with Gilles and Lenore about a January phone council and a pending spring Art of Hosting event / Art of Gardening. I sat on the couch with Zoe to share a bit. I told her this was a group of people that want to help each other and many more by creating inner peace through such things as meditation, prayer, silence, writing, walks, etc. At least this was one version of gardening inner peace that I felt she would relate to. And then I shared that we are people who believe the world can be more peaceful when we come together, earth peace, even with our simple acts.

When I can share what I'm doing with my daughter, with such joy, and invitation -- I'm simply happy. I imagine a time when she might awaken more to such notions and say, "ah, that's what Dad was talking about / rambling on about." :)

I'm excited, and listening for, and welcoming of this beautiful creation, Gardeners of Peace.

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